
Why Travelling to Armenia on motorycle? Why Neo Ride Armenia? What is special in Armenia Why Travelling to Armenia on motorycle? Why Neo Ride Armenia? What is special in Armenia

As Armenia is quite unusual destination for motorcycle lovers and people ususally travel to our country without having sufficient informaiton about the destination. And when they do touring in Armenia they always tell us that it exceeds their expectations. They tell Armenia is a very interesting destination to travel on motorcycle because it's mountainous and landscapes change every 30 km. So in short period you can cross both high mountains, long passes, deep gorges and canyons, do semicircle along lake Sevan etc. And what they mostly like as well, is that Armenia nature is very pure and unspoiled.

Another positivie aspect is Armenian people. Tourists consider us very hospitable, warm and firendly. They say that as motorcycling is not very developed in Armenia, people in countryside are always curious seeing riders on road and they invite them to their houses and offer them local food which is very entertaining experience for the riders.  


Click on video to hear one of our toruists from Germany who is sharing with his motorcycle adventures in Armenia. 

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