Tours for rental

3 tours
Tour style
Tour duration
  • Armenia - Georgia tour
    Armenia - Georgia tour
    4990 USD-Per/person
    Taking the trip between May and October may be best in terms of weather. Riding a motorcycle cross country is a fantastic experience. It's a chance to see the country in a way few people do. Stopping at sunset and leaving just after sunrise lets you take in more sights during your daylight hours.
  • Armenia Short Tour
    Armenia Short Tour
    2990 USD-Per/person
    Beautiful, hospitable, surprising, dramatic, colorful and delicious. Armenia is all these things and a whole lot more. Here, in the land of Ancient civilization where the sun kisses the land more then 300 days in the year donating to Armenia most delicious and sweet apricots you would ever taste somewhere in the world. Often hailed as the ‘’First Christian Country of the World”, Armenia leaves a lasting impression with its remarkable ancient history, breathtaking beauty and spiritual places.
  • Armenia Long tour
    Armenia Long tour
    4500 USD-Per/person
    The route of almost whole Armenia will take guests on a real adventurous tour of both asphalt and off road curves as well as sightseeing from the seat of your motorcycle; Armenia East, West, North and South. That means mountains over 1500 MSL, deep gorges, Lake Sevan,Silk Road Route, forests, passes over 2400 MSL and semicircle along highets Mt. Aragatsamong many other.
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